We are excited to announce that we have been in communication with Guinness World Records and that, with your help, we will be attempting a world record for the Largest 60 Minute Circle Training. Guinness receives over 50,000 inquires annually from potential record breakers. Our request was accepted and we are working with our community partners to work out all of the logistics. The big day - the day we will set a world record- is Saturday, June 18th at Centennial Park (108 entrance) in Ellicott City, Maryland. Participants should arrive early between 7:00am and 7:30am for check-in and registration. Being awarded a Guinness World Record requires more than simply showing up with the right number of individuals and completing a circle workout in a defined period of time. In many ways, the additional requirements needed to prove the record is valid, are just as important as the record itself. We will need community volunteers to serve in many capacities, such as a supervisor allocated to witness every 50 participants, counters at each exit in order to obtain maximum accuracy, photographers and videographers.
We began builiding our team with core groups of individuals from the Get Active Howard County initiative starting with the community team known as the Health Nuts. The team now includes HCPSS teachers and students, workplace wellness teams, Howard County Government employees and organizations, families and individuals throughout the community. For the past 11 weeks, many of them have been showing up early at Centennial Park on Saturday mornings to take advantage of the free workouts provided by some of Howard County's top trainers. A recent poll taken of the group indicated that over 90% have never participated in a boot camp. The majority of respondents also expressed how much they enjoyed this opportunity. A few of the biggest reasons they gave are that they enjoy learning new exercises, getting expert instruction, working out with others and having the challenge of setting a Guinness World Record. Initially, the FREE trainings were to last for 10 weeks and the plan included having at least one trainer leading the group each week; hence the name "10/10 In The Park". However, our dedicated volunteer trainers really showed their passion for what they do, with many of them coming back week after week to provide their expertise and their energy! A few trainers are considering continuing to support 10/10 In The Park beyond the record attempt and we may be seeing them on many more Saturday mornings throughout the summer. Stay tuned for more details.
Get Active Howard County offers you free fitness activities plus the chance to be part of something really big- a Guinness World Record attempt for the largest 60 minute circle training! We encourage you to join or start a Get Active Howard County team but anyone can join us on Saturday mornings and take part in this record attempt. Participating in 10/10 In The Park is the foundation for this community-wide world record attempt. Join us and be part of something big - A WORLD RECORD!
Official Press Release