How to Become a Get Active Howard County Activity Sponsor
We are pleased to invite you to submit your request to be an Activity Sponsor for Get Active Howard County, a county-wide initiative to promote wellness in our schools, workplaces and community. We are building a year-round program promoting physical activity, healthy living and nutrition. While "Get Active Howard County" has been around for a while, its full potential has yet to be realized. There are many community partners and leaders working together to expand the scope of this initiative so that it can benefit all areas of the county.
This program will offer participating organizations an opportunity that will become increasingly more valuable and a chance to show their support for the community. This will also be an opportunity for organizations focused on wellness to create important cross relationships with other like-minded organizations supporting the calendar and the initiative. Each organization will determine its own level of involvement. There is no cost involved.
Let us know if you are interested in attending one of our "Info Nights". We look forward to including organizations of all sizes and shapes who share our commitment to wellness in Howard County.