Activity Sponsor Agreement
Get Active Howard County & Stay Active Howard County are Howard County programs supporting the county's initiatives to promote the overall wellness of all Howard County citizens, Howard County businesses and all employees that work for them, Howard County community organizations and their members and every individual that lives, works or plays in Howard County.
One of the key objectives of these programs is making available a wide variety of physical activities, health related workshops and programs that support overall wellness. A second major priority is to balance available activities to provide real value geographically and demographically. The intent of this program is to keep the majority of calendar approved activities free or very low cost to allow every Howard County citizen, regardless of income, to participate meaningfully. To this end, we invite Howard County organizations (government, private, public and not-for-profit) to support these programs. For consideration by the GAHC and SAHC committee (hereafter referred to as “the committee”) and to be eligible to list activities, events, workshops or programs on the official calendar, this Sponsor Agreement must be submitted and approved.
The committee will evaluate all requests and consideration will be based on the following criteria:
- The organization must be approved by the committee as reputable and in good standing.
- The organization must be in existence in Howard County for at least one year.
- The organizations services must be in line with the principals, values and goals of GAHC, SAHC.
- When applicable, respective certification(s) are expected to be held by the individual(s) presenting the
service, program or activity.
- The organization is expected to disburse communications whenever possible in support of the initiative.
- The service being offered must be free or very low cost and have a perceived value by one or more of the
three target markets (businesses, schools, community organizations)
- The primary purpose of participation must not be perceived in any way as self promotion and those
representing the organization must conduct themselves in a way that supports the spirit of the overall
- The organization or business agrees to prohibit any form of selling of products or services during their
program or event. This extends to all employees and any guest speaker(s) they may incorporate in their
program, presentation or event.
These programs have been created to provide all Howard Countians the opportunity, motivation and incentives to make wellness a priority in their lives. Your signature below signifies that you agree to each of the above requirements. Your agreement also means that you and your organization will act at all times in a way that fully supports the spirit of the overall initiative. All participants that are selected to contribute to this cause, first and foremost, do so to further the commitment to serve our community.
Any violation of this agreement will result in a review by the committee and possible revocation of your privilege to be recognized as a contributing sponsor organization.
The undersigned, in consideration of becoming a sponsoring organization of Get Active Howard County/Stay Active Howard County, agrees to indemnify and hold all partners of these organizations, their officers, employees and agents, from any and all liability for any injury to person or property arising out of, or in any way connected with participation in these programs. As a participating sponsor, I understand that I must follow the regulations and agree to comply with them. Requests for participation as a sponsoring organization will be considered by the committee. The committee reserves the right to deny any request for participation if they so deem that the criteria for participation is not met for any reason.