We Promote Health



Family Wellness Day Booth Application

We Promote Health is currently organizing Family Wellness Day.  There are opportunities to SPONSOR A BOOTH and also participate in the MATZOHBALL 5k.  The Matzohball is a kick-off activity for Family  Wellness Day.  

Family Wellness Day is more than a health fair; it's a high energy, get active, get educated event to support health and wellness in the broadest sense.  This is your opportunity to show thousands who live, work or play in Howard County how to live a healthier lifestyle.   This event includes Physical Activities, Health Screenings, Workplace Wellness Resources, as well as a Healthy Kids Zone.  Family Wellness day will take place on Sunday June 9, 2024 at Centennial Park from 8am - 2pm. 

If you would like space for your business or organization, please complete this form and fax or email it back to us as soon as possible.  Space is limited; we may have to determine participants by lottery if there is substantial duplication of categories.  The application deadline is April 30th.  Booth applications will be accepted after Deadline based on amount of available space and category availability.    

Exhibits Can Highlight:
Programs, activities and interventions
Educational programs and materials
Innovative products to reduce injuries, increase physical activity and promote good nutrition
Consumer-related issues
Publications, videotapes and other resources on healthy living

To Exhibit at Howard County Family Wellness Day:
You must submit the attached Exhibit Application to take part in the event. 

There is no electricity available at this event.  

There is NO SELLING OF PRODUCT ALLOWED at this event.

Exhibit area is 10' x 10'  YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN CANOPY.  A 6' table and a chair will be provided.  We encourage all booths to have canopies, there is no shade in the exhibitor area.

- $200 for businesses and organizations. 

Non Profit Organizations, please contact us at 443-309-5379 for special rates for non-profit and government organizations.

Waiver - Please Read and Sign

The undersigned, in consideration of participation in this event, agrees to indemnify and hold We Promote Health, and all its partners organizing the 2024 Family Wellness Day, their officers, employees and agents, from any and all liability for any injury to person or property arising out of, or in any way connected with participation in this event.  I have read the above and voluntarily sign this release and waiver of all liability in this indemnity agreement.  As a participant in the 2024 Family Wellness Day, I understand that I must follow regulations and agree to comply with them.  We Promote Health, and all the partners for 2024 Family Wellness Day reserve the right to deny any requests for any reason.  Space request and assignment will be made by the committee in the way of lottery to be held on April 1,  2024.  Vendors will be responsible for set up and clean up of booths.  2024 Family Wellness Day will be held rain or shine, unless Centennial Park is closed.  There are no refunds, booth fee will be credited to next years event if the park is closed. 

Vendors participating in the Event at the invitation of Licensee and private security companies hired by Licensee must provide evidence of Commercial General Liability insurance with a minimum coverage limit of $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence/$1,000,000 aggregate.  Each such policy shall name Licensee and “Howard County, MD, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and authorized volunteers,” as Additional Insured.

Private or commercial organizations may be required to submit additional information on products and/or services before being approved to exhibit.  We Promote Health and 2024 Family Wellness Day Partners reserve the right to decline or prohibit any exhibit or part of an exhibit which, in its opinion is not suitable to and in keeping with the character of the event.  If asked, any vendor or exhibit must be removed from the event if, in the opinion of the organizers, there is inappropriate behavior or materials being displayed.  By completing this form, each exhibitor is agreeing to comply with these regulations. 
